Apr 9, 2011 14:11 GMT  ·  By
Matthew Morrison says he ate nothing but sweet potatoes for 3 days to look this ripped
   Matthew Morrison says he ate nothing but sweet potatoes for 3 days to look this ripped

Matthew Morrison of “Glee” is on the cover of the latest issue of Details magazine, flashing, aside from his winning smile, his washboard abs. His secret is a fad diet he did right before the shoot, he admits in a recent interview.

Speaking with one of the British tabs (as cited by People magazine), Matthew admitted that even he had to pull all the stops to look good for the shoot, especially since he knew he’d be posing without his shirt.

So, whereas female celebrities would have probably eaten nothing for three whole days to look in shape for the shoot, Matthew discovered and used another useful trick.

As he puts it, sweet potatoes can act like a sponge inside the body, sucking out all the fat.

“I had to have a six-pack on show. The potato acts as a sponge and your body literally shrinks and gets ripped and tight,” he says.

Whether that’s really what happens is still debatable – but celebrity bloggers are already ripping Matthew apart for putting this out there, since, they say, there’s no way that’s possible.

“First of all, let’s debunk this myth that a food can be a sponge in your body and suck up fat. That’s not possible and you lose weight because you’re taking in less calories. Second, it’s not healthy to eat just one food at a time,” CB says.

“To be fair, sweet potatoes do have a lot of nutrients and fiber in them and are actually considered one of the healthiest vegetables. It’s just dumb to eat just one food at a time, but if Morrison wants to do it he can go ahead,” the blogger adds.

In Morrison’s defense, he doesn’t make a habit out of this, he only did it this once, he says in the same interview cited by People.

Moreover, once the shoot was done, he made sure he made up for lost nutrients and calories.

“Afterwards I ordered two pizzas and pasta!” he says.