BioWare is offering variety when it comes to universe storytelling

Feb 6, 2012 08:02 GMT  ·  By

The end of Mass Effect 3 might not be the best one for all players of the game, but one developer working on the action role-playing game suggests that it is worth holding on to the final saves even if future games in the franchise will not use Commander Shepard as the central character.

Mike Gamble, an associate producer working on Mass Effect 3, told Gamerzines that, “We want the outcomes to be satisfying to the player. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all going to be happy or positive. It’s going to make some people extremely happy. It’s going to make some people angry.”

He added, “But that’s part of it, right? To invoke the emotion putting some of these stories to bed will naturally bring up. I honestly think the player base is going to be really happy with the way we’ve done it. You had a part in it. Every decision you’ve made will impact how things go. The player’s also the architect of what happens.”

Gamble revealed that BioWare was trying to make sure that Mass Effect 3 managed to offer complete answers to all the questions that players might have and would close all the big story arcs that had been unveiled in the first and second games in the series.

When talking about how the Mass Effect franchise will go on after Commander Shepard exits the scene, the developers said that the universe had a large history and BioWare might go on and explore the origins of some species or the struggles that they faced before humans made an impact on the galaxy.

Ever since the first game BioWare has encouraged gamers to hold on to their saved games but has also offered alternate avenues for those who did not.

Mass Effect 3 will be launched in early March and will be offered on the PC, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3.