The game will represent the developer's cumulative knowledge

Jan 5, 2010 13:49 GMT  ·  By

BioWare always likes to go big with its games, and they've done it flawlessly so far. There hasn't been one BioWare game that was mediocre or substandard, and everything that it ever created was an amazing title that became part of gaming history. So, when the developers themselves announce that one of their games is without a doubt the best they've ever made, and more than that, it's an upcoming one, they've definitely got our attention.

The focus of BioWare's confidence is Mass Effect 2, and to say that it is a sequel that's got quite a name to live up to would be redundant, since we've already established that all BioWare games are brilliant. So, while we can only ask just what will make ME2 so special, it looks like the game's producer, Adrien Cho, is the one that will answer. Talking to CVG, Cho said that “Each game we've put out has been great, each game has flaws, where as this one represents the pinnacle BioWare experience. If you're going to play one BioWare game ever in your life, this is the one to try.”

As for more specific game content details, Cho believes Mass Effect 2 will turn out to be such a great game mostly because the hard work has already been done. “I think the story, the setting, the universe to explore... that was the big challenge; setting up this new IP and getting people really interested in it,” he stated. “The second one really just continues that and of course we can make focused improvements on combat and inventory. All those small changes add up to hopefully one of the best BioWare games ever.”

And it looks like the hard work wasn't done just by the original Mass Effect, but by Dragon Age as well, as the experience the studio gained from the fantasy RPG will play a big part in post-production and additional content for ME2. Developers were happy with what the DLC brought to DA, and it seems ME2 will follow the same road. “Downloadable content was always on our radar from day one,” Cho explained. “The team's actually been transitioning some members into creating DLC content already. What I can say is that we're going to be offering a lot more range of content from maybe a weapon, a new gun to new armors, new helmets, side quests up to full expansion packs. So a lot more variety to keep players engaged.”