Jan 13, 2011 08:20 GMT  ·  By

Mass Effect 2 for the PlayStation 3 is finally going to be released next week, so BioWare, its development studio, is once again trying to hype it up before the release by launching a final trailer and detailing its special features.

Mass Effect 2 was released almost a year ago on the PC and Xbox 360, but it will soon arrive on the PlayStation 3, despite the fact that the original didn't appear on the Sony console.

Still, BioWare took its time to deliver this great RPG experience to PS3 owners, and the company, through its community coordinator, Chris Priestly, has highlighted the importance of the upcoming title.

"PlayStation fans have been asking for Mass Effect for years and we are very pleased to finally be bringing it to a new branch of Mass Effect fans," Priestly said.

"However, what I think Mass Effect fans on the PS3 will be most appreciative of is that this is not a simple port. The Mass Effect team has taken the time to utilize the PS3 hardware to the fullest in order to maximize your gameplay experience.”

The BioWare representative also said that it would be a more customized experience, and also an enhanced one, seeing as how the game ran on the engine of the upcoming Mass Effect 3.

"It was also extremely important for the team to make sure playing with the PS3 controller worked and felt good. You will also see that the in-game graphics and cinematics are clearer and more vibrant on the PS3."

The PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2 is set to have almost all of the downloadable content packs released for the game until now, including Overlord, Kasumi or Lair of the Shadow Broker.

In order to make up for the lack of the original game, the PlayStation 3 version will have "an interactive in-game comic that allows players new to the franchise to experience Mass Effect 1 while making the story choices that have repercussions in Mass Effect 2."

Until January 18, when the game is released, check out the official launch trailer of Mass Effect 2 for the PlayStation 3.