Vance Blanc was among ten or more witnesses doing nothing to help

Oct 17, 2013 09:28 GMT  ·  By

A woman was allegedly raped on campus at Ohio University on Sunday, and a man watched the incident take place.

19-year-old Vance Blanc posted photos of the assault on Twitter and tried to contact Hunter Moore's revenge website to publish it.

According to Daily Mail, Blanc was just one of 10 people looking on as the assault was taking place.

The unnamed victim describes being intoxicated and not remembering the incident. She is accusing the man of rape.

“So I witnessed this the other night. This is the photo,” Blanc tweets.

He also sent the photo to “The Animal House,” the account of a user who organizes campus parties.

“You don't wanna get embarrassed? don't do stupid [expletive],” Blanc posted when he was accused of taking no action to prevent the assault.

“Had to delete that pic tho... it was fun while it lasted,” he also wrote.

He then deleted his Twitter accounts, as did other students who posted photos of the incident on Instagram.

He explained that the alleged victim of the assault was not unconscious on Sunday night.

“She was awake. She was not passed out. I have heard rumours that she was passed out. That was not the case,” he says.

Blanc later apologized and contacted the police. He writes about not wanting to jeopardize his college career as a result of spreading the image online.

“I am ashamed and have issued a statement with police aplogozing [sic] for being immature. [...] I told the office that I put this picture up...when I realized how serious it was I immediately went down to the police and helped them.

“I’m regretting it. I realize my mistake. If there’s any way my name could be kept out of it...I don’t want anything to happen in terms of my being able to stay at the university. I’m worried about this. This is my education,” he adds.