The incident was witnessed by bemused pedestrians in Peckham

Apr 23, 2014 06:20 GMT  ·  By

A pretty unusual scene was witnessed by passers-by in south London on Easter Monday, as a man was seen walking a pair of ducks on leads around Peckham.

Twitter user Sam Jacob spotted the man and his ducks outside fast food chain KFC in Rye Lane, and couldn't resist the temptation to snap a photo of the trio and post it online for everyone to see.

“I was out for a run yesterday along Rye Lane. People were shopping on the market and then out of nowhere I spotted this man walking these ducks on a lead outside KFC as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do,” he told ITV London.

However, Jacob says that the strangest thing about the whole scenario was actually the fact that nobody seemed to be surprised by the bizarre incident that played out in front of them, as if it were the most common scene to be seen on a busy London street.

As weird as it may sound, the animals also seem accustomed to being taken for walkies on leads, and they both look happy and relaxed.

This incident comes just ten days after a woman was spotted walking a man like a dog with a pink leash around his neck through Farringdon, in central London. It later turned out that the stunt was actually part of a theatrical project focused on people's reactions.

For the moment, it is not known if the two episodes are related, but it seems to me that they might.