This man then proceeds to drink the entire can in 5 seconds

Oct 2, 2012 07:42 GMT  ·  By

This video was uploaded in 2007 by hunter Country Bullet, and it's now stacking up daily views by the tens of thousands.

The video was discovered by YouTube audiences this weekend, after being showcased on Dlisted, Reddit, SayOMG, and VideoSift. It's gone from almost 0 to almost 500,000 views in just a few days.

This man's skills are quite impressive. He tears the top off a beer can with his teeth, in just 15 seconds, and proceeds to drink the whole beer in a matter of 5 seconds.

The chugging deer hunter uploaded other videos of him displaying his unusual talent, including “World's fastest human can opening beer, chugging polar plunger.” Hypothermia can never stand between this man and his beer, as he basically performs the same action, while stuck in ice cold water.