Siman Land claims his pet attacked him as if a wild animal

Aug 22, 2012 09:31 GMT  ·  By

After having been brought to court for using an iron bar to beat his cat so brutally that the animal had to be put to sleep by veterinarians, Simon Land was recently denied the right to keep any other pets for five years to come, and was made to pay ₤250 (€317.30 / $393.71) in court costs.

Apparently, the man is fully aware of the fact that his deed constitutes a violation of animal rights, but claims that he had no choice but to beat the cat, as the latter supposedly attacked him “like something from a wildlife program.”

Interestingly enough, some people who got to see the cat before Simon Land killed it in this rather brutal manner claim that the animal was indeed a difficult one to handle, meaning that its behavior was an aggressive one for most of the time.

Still, there are also those who argue that, “No reasonable person would pick up a metal bar and hit a cat – there is no justification.”