A Turkish man wears his smoking cage to work every day

Jul 10, 2013 06:41 GMT  ·  By

A Turkish man has resorted to building a wire cage to hold his head in order to quit smoking.

42-year-old Ibrahim Yucel of Kütahya in Turkey described that his father died from lung cancer.

Yucel has been smoking since high-school and repeated attempts to stop yielded no results. He can only give up the habit for two or three days at a time.

He built a wire cage inspired by the design of a motorcycle helmet. The 36-year-old man built it out of 40 meters of copper wire, in about a month.

He equipped it with two locks, and gave one of the keys to his wife and the other to his daughter. He goes to work as a technician wearing the cage. During his time on the job, he only eats crackers and he drink water with a straw.