The man was eventually released on bail, is scheduled to make his first appearance in court this coming October 27

Oct 15, 2014 18:05 GMT  ·  By

Earlier this week, a man was taken into police custody on account of his mopping the floor of a hotel with a wee too much determination. Mind you, it wasn't the floor that complained about being abused.

Thus, it is understood that the man was arrested after the hotel employee whom he grabbed the mop from alerted authorities. The aggressive floor cleaner was eventually released on bail but will soon have to answer for his actions in front of a court of law.

How it all played out

Information shared with the public by the police officers in charge of investigating this case says that the incident occurred at a Double Tree hotel in the city of Bristol in Tennessee, US, this past Monday.

It is understood that, at about 6.30 in the afternoon that day, the man, identified as 30-year-old John Thornton, chanced to lay eyes on a hotel employee who was busy trying to clean the floor with the help of a mop.

It's still a mystery just how much experience cleaning floors with mops 30-year-old John Thornton has, but there is one thing that is as clear as day: he knows more than enough about such activities to be able to tell when somebody is doing a poor job.

Long story short, word has it that, after watching the hotel employee for just a short while, the 30-year-old got terribly angry over the woman's (lack of) cleaning abilities. He simply grabbed the mop from her hands and started cleaning the floor himself.

While desperately trying to teach the Double Tree employee a thing or two about the proper way to clean a floor, the man accidentally mopped her shoes several times. When the woman tried to take back control of the mop, he pushed her into a corner.

“Thornton then began to mop the floor but became more aggressive and mopped over the employee's shoes several times,” police spokesperson Lt. Donn Watson said. “He then turned his back to the employee and forcibly backed into her pushing her into a corner,” he added, as cited by Mirror.

At the time the police arrived at the Double Tree hotel in Bristol, US, the cleaner was crying and shaking. 30-year-old John Thornton, on the other hand, was still acting aggressively. In fact, it appears that he even threatened his arresting officers.

What a mop can do to a man

After being arrested, the 30-year-old was put behind bars. However, he only remained imprisoned for a little while. Specifically, he was released after posting a $20,000 (€15,760) bail. Still, this does not mean that he is out of trouble.

According to media reports, John Thornton is scheduled to make an appearance in court this coming October 27. Charges for breach of the peace and threatening in the second degree were filed against him not long after he was taken into custody, and police officers reassure that the man will be made to pay for his actions.