It uses hand-held motion-enabled STEM controllers and a motion capture device

Jan 24, 2014 13:18 GMT  ·  By

3D printing is really useful and convenient for various things, and this is something that everyone seems to agree on. The exceptions are negligible. 3D modeling is a different cup of tea, though, and Make VR wants to make it easier on everyone.

In theory, it shouldn't be too hard to get a 3D model by use of a scanner. Unfortunately, scanned objects don't allow for much artistic expression, or originality of any kind.

There is a small minority of people who know their way around CAD programs (computer-aided design), and they are called graphics designers.

That doesn't really help the common man, though, even if there is a steadily growing online database of pre-made models, and services that let you make orders.

Make VR wants to put 3D design in the palm of your hand, literally, by means of VR 3D, a system invented by the Sixense team..

VR 3D is a 3D modeling system that uses hand-held motion-enabled STEM controllers and a motion-capture device that senses your movements.

And it senses all your movements, not just your hands. So you can reach out, forward, farther and nearer, when you're creating a virtual model.

You reach for the screen to grab a 3D object, and the sensor registers the motion. An Occulus Rift (an augmented reality headset) worn over your head allows you to see what you're interacting with.

Basically, the 3D design system immerses you in a world of blocks, sphered and squiggly shapes you can manipulate by hand.

You can either draw new shapes or modify existing ones, even connect them together or cut them apart. The possibilities are many or, as some may say, endless.

Sadly, the design tools aren't exactly simple or cheap, so while this system would be wonderfully straightforward for the common man, it won't be affordable for a good while, if ever. One of the founders of Make VR is still really excited though.

“With MakeVR we’re enabling everyone to more easily and affordably create models in 3D. Coupled with the emergence of so many great new 3D printing solutions, this will catalyze the entire market,” Co-Founder of Sixense, Amir Rubin, explained.

“3D Printer World Expo offers the perfect stage to showcase MakeVR, and we’re looking forward to feedback from the leaders in 3D printing industry at the show.”