Plant them, see them grow, and then eat them

Jun 7, 2006 09:26 GMT  ·  By

Do you ever dream of world peace, universal love and happiness? Well, you can now make your wishes come true - sort of. You can plant them and you can see them grow. And then you can even eat them. They are magic beans.

Actually, they are regular beans with your wishes written on them.

"It is the purpose of the present invention to provide a novelty item which can provide words of encouragement which will continue to provide uplifting thoughts for several weeks.

The novelty item of the present invention comprises a non-germinated dicot seed with a word, symbol, or the like, etched through its seed coat into its cotyledon whereby said word, symbol, or the like, will remain visible during the germination period of a resulting plant. These words, symbols, or the like, include encouraging words, namely, the words courage, dream, hope, love, peace, trust."

And indeed they do. One happy customer said: "I bought one of these two valentines ago from Japan. It comes in a non-descript can. He watered it, and a few weeks later, a bean sprouted with the words 'I love you.' It was a wonderful surprise, and well worth the money! So much better than a card, and only a few dollars more (I mean, a card costs 3.99!). I really don't think it's silly at all, as long as you can't tell that it has a message before it grows."

And do you know what would be great to do next? Combine this invention with the flatulence-free beans!