The pop diva photographed her 13-year-old with bottles of hard liquor

Jan 6, 2014 10:49 GMT  ·  By

Madonna may be one of the staunchest supporters of various social and political issues, but when it comes to her own offspring, she simply can't say no. In a recent photo posted by the “Material Girl,” her 13-year-old son Rocco can be seen hanging out with his pals and they're all holding up bottles of hard liquor.

The picture was captioned “The party has just begun! Bring it! 2014” and it drew a wave of criticisms from fans who were appalled that Madonna not only condones underage drinking, but she's also making a point out of showing it off.

The picture was taken in Switzerland where Madonna and her children are currently vacationing, and apparently having a very good time.

As you may know, the legal drinking age is 21 in the United States, but Europe tends to be a little more precocious in this matter, allowing teens to drink at 18 or sometimes even earlier.

In Switzerland, the legal drinking age is 16, but even so, Rocco, Madonna's 13-year-old son, falls short by a more than a couple of years. With well over 25,000 comments on the photo, it's safe to say that Madonna has yet again stirred controversy. She also seems to be either a very good or very bad mom, depends on how old is the person you're asking.

Considering the fact that Madonna still has a lot of influence among today's youth, it can be understood why some parents left her some very unflattering comments in which they blame her that she promotes under-age drinking.

Seeing the huge wave of negative responses, the pop diva was forced to make a couple of things clear: “No one was drinking we were just having fun! Calm down and get a sense of humor! Don't start the year off with judgement!”

Still, fans were very upset and one even told her directly that minors and alcohol should not mix, under any circumstance.