These primary schools will educate 4,871 local children

Dec 28, 2012 15:41 GMT  ·  By

Every once in a while, Madonna gets significant amounts of media attention not because of her peculiar and sometimes even shocking behavior on and off stage, but because of her commitment to help those less fortunate.

The news that the celebrity has recently finished building and has inaugurated ten primary schools in Malawi is one of these occasions.

Said ten schools are actually the result of a collaboration between Madonna, her charity Raising Malawi and global nonprofit organization BuildOn, and Look to the Stars reports that they can accommodate as many as 4,871 local children.

For the time being, only six of these ten educational facilities are up and running, yet it is the singer's hope that the remainder will also start being used to educate kids living in Malawi's villages as early as January 2013.

Interestingly enough, work on these schools debuted towards the beginning of 2012, and at that moment, it was believed that this development project would take about 18 months to complete.

The fact that some schools are already in use goes to show that both Madonna and the organization working with her were quite eager to help children in Malawi.

Commenting on her decision to build educational facilities in this part of the world and on this charitable project, Madonna stated as follows:

“I am overjoyed that my commitment along with BuildOn's to help educate the children of Malawi has come to fruition. In a country where girls have little opportunity for education, it's additionally inspiring to know that more than half the students attending will be young girls.”

“The fact that more than 4,800 children in Malawi will get to go to school next year is a tremendous step forward for their individual growth and the growth of Malawi,” the celebrity went on to add.

For those unaware, Malawi is presently listed as one of the least developed countries in the world, which is why facilitating its residents' access to education is a praiseworthy endeavor.