Filler is gaining in popularity for other parts of the body

Feb 26, 2009 10:27 GMT  ·  By

Women have a very powerful ally in their quest to be as beautiful as they want to be. It’s called Macrolane and it’s a gel that is injected in parts of the body that need a bit of uplifting or some extra volume. After becoming a hit with ladies who wanted a larger bust, Macrolane injections have now started to be applied to the backside as well – and with the most amazing results ever, the Daily Mail informs.

The British publication has spoken with three women who have underwent the procedure to find out whether the jabs are really worth it, especially given that they cost almost $3,000 and last a year (14 months tops). The answer it has got back is that yes, vanity or no vanity, the injections really do make a difference both in terms of looks and of self-esteem. Having Macrolane in the posterior is not only painless and extremely convenient, but also one of those few “vices” women should indulge in guilt-free, the three ladies in question say.

Macrolane is a NASHA (non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid) that acts as a filler, helping correct asymmetry or used for a plus of volume, no matter the part of the body in which it is injected. After a year or so (in some rare cases, even as early as 9 months), it breaks down and is reabsorbed by the body naturally, without leaving any traces of it ever having been there. This is precisely why it is preferred to the much cheaper but more plastic-looking cosmetic option, silicone implants.

In use in the UK for about two years, injections being requested in the backside have increased considerably over the past months, the same publication reports. Of course, the high price tag puts many women off, but those who are able to pay that kind of money are more than happy with the results. The procedure lasts almost 45 minutes, leaves no scarring and little to no bruising at all. Moreover, it takes only a day to recuperate from it, although doctors advise patients to wait for another week or so before engaging in any demanding physical activity.

Another plus for the jabs is that they look – and, most importantly, feel – natural. Unlike silicone, this gel is made from substances that are already found in the body, which gives it a very “real” texture, so no one will actually be able to tell the difference.