By using Luxi, you can easily determine the best settings for your DSLR camera

Jan 14, 2014 10:20 GMT  ·  By

After a successful crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, Luxi has received quite a lot of attention and most photographers who own an iPhone have been looking forward to purchasing this cool gadget that turns their smartphone into an incident light meter.

Until now, Luxi was only available for pre-order, but no actual models have been shipped yet. Recently, Extrasensory Devices announced that the app was available for purchase from the company's online store.

Luxi uses your iPhone hardware capabilities to capture incident light and determine the best settings possible for your DSLR camera when shooting in various lighting conditions.

Similar to professional light meters, the software comes with a diffusion dome that fits securely on your iPhone's rear-facing camera. The gadget can be controlled via the Luxi app that can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

In addition to that, the light meter measures only incident light and cannot be fooled by backlit or high-contrast backgrounds like your camera can. The only downside of this cool tool is that it cannot meter a studio flash due to iPhone hardware limitations.

Luxi is compatible with iPhone 4/4s and 5/5s models and can be purchased from the Extrasensory Devices online store at a price of $29.95 / €22.