And expecting Mines of Moria expansion

Jul 14, 2008 22:06 GMT  ·  By

Turbine is getting close to the release of Book 14 of Lord of the Ring Online. The developers say that the update is going to be the last the MMO will receive before the launch of the expansion, called Mines of Moria, which is scheduled for autumn.

Book 14 is actually called Ringforges of Eregion and will focus on the storytelling which is integrated in the game. There are not too many new features added this time because the first portion of the game needs to have some closure before the expansion arrives.

The developers say that a non-combat mission will be integrated in the update. It will take place in Rivendell just as the Fellowship of the Ring is preparing to depart on their journey. The instances mission will feature the player and will see each of the subscribers being thanked by Frodo and the other main characters for their efforts in helping the quest to destroy the Ring.

The main area introduced in the new expansion is Eregion, a place near the entrance to the Mines where the elves have taken over the ancient Ringforges that the Dwarf clans have built in ancient times. Most of the quests in the area will be focused on helping the Elves and the Dwarfs in various instances, including missions centered on finding the entrance to Moria.

The update is also said to include some randomized, tactical "battlefield like" scenarios where players can take part directly in the War of the Ring, with instances that will open up only as the players play and beat earlier battlefields.

Book 14 for Lords of the Rings Online introduces a new bartering system, mainly designed for the epic items in the game and some NPC which are especially designed to keep the player up to date with the news regarding the game and the server they are on.

Town Crier NPCs will keep players up to date with the latest news on their server.