New album, “The 20/20 Experience,” will be out in music stores later this year

Jan 14, 2013 14:34 GMT  ·  By
Artwork for Justin Timberlake’s comeback song, “Suit & Tie,” ft. Jay-Z
   Artwork for Justin Timberlake’s comeback song, “Suit & Tie,” ft. Jay-Z

As he promised last week, Justin Timberlake is ready to get back into the spotlight for something other than his acting career and / or personal life. Below is his first single in many years, which will be followed by a brand new album.

It’s called “Suit & Tie” and it’s a collaboration with Jay-Z and producer Timbaland, which you can literally tell from the first beats. *Please note that discretion is recommended because it contains language that might offend.

The first song will be followed by a brand new album called “The 20/20 Experience,” which will be out sometime later this year – Justin is yet to offer a specific date for it.

“What I came up with is something I couldn't be more excited about! It is full of inspiration that I grew up listening to and some newfound muses that I've discovered along the way,” he says of the album.

Now back to his “comeback” song: considering that Justin said he had decided to come back only when he felt he had something important to say, this feels strangely anticlimactic, in that it’s nothing groundbreaking at all.

Check it out and let me know what you make of it in the comments section below.