Speculation builds up that the star has lost weight by refusing to eat

Apr 7, 2009 20:21 GMT  ·  By

Liquid diets have often been the subject of controversy because they imply cutting out all solid food and replacing it either with one specific beverage (as is the case with the Master Cleanse diet) or with liquids in general. Lindsay Lohan, whose weight has plummeted in recent months, is said to be on one such diet as well, as People magazine reports.

Lindsay’s diet, however, is different from cleansing diets, which, at least, are meant to purify the body by eliminating toxins (despite the fact that nutritionists say there is no scientific data to back up this claim). Consequently, rumor has it, the actress lost weight by surviving solely on Red Bulls and cigarettes, as People underlines, summing up the rumors that have been making the rounds for many a week now.

“Following weeks of buzz in the blogosphere that Lindsay Lohan’s svelte figure is not the result of healthy eating and exercise, but instead due to her downing Red Bull, smoking cigarettes and eating candy, comes a new report claiming the actress, 22, is on a liquid diet that consists of drinking at least three Red Bull energy drinks a day.” the mag informs.

While nutritionists are constantly issuing warnings about the dangers inherent in this type of liquid diets, which come pretty close to those of fasting or starving oneself, to put it in more blunt terms, celebrities still seem to resort to them whenever they need to lose weight fast. According to Lohan’s publicist, though, this is not the case with his client, since any weight she might have lost, she did it with hard work and watching what she ate and not eliminating all food from her daily meals.

“Lindsay has always enjoyed a Red Bull, but she eats. Everybody needs to mind their own business and stop worrying about what Lindsay eats or doesn’t eat.” Lohan’s rep reveals for the same magazine. Of course, as fans must remember, this is not the first time in recent months that the star is plagued by eating disorder rumors, which have only gained in intensity in later weeks, as Lindsay seemed thinner and thinner by the day.