Studies show a better alternative for a pick-me-up is going natural

Oct 5, 2009 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Energy drinks have become a must have for many of us, especially on a slow day at the office or before heading to the gym. However, experts cited by Shape magazine warn that many of the effects of the ingredients that go into making them are not fully documented yet, for which reason an all-natural remedy for tiredness and a decrease in concentration would be recommended.

Taurine is the main ingredient in most energy drinks. It is also found in meat and fish, Shape says. It is a natural supplement, with some studies indicating that one person can consume about 3,000 milligrams of it a day. However, experts advise against high dosages of taurine because its effects have not been fully analyzed, even though initial studies cast it in a positive light, however inconclusive they may be.

“Taurine’s effective role in energy drinks alone requires more study, as it’s usually one of several ingredients that commonly tout a variety of claims, from decreasing sleepiness to improving concentration, mood and memory.” Marisa Moore, R.D., spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, says for Shape. Combined with caffeine, yet another main ingredient in energy drinks, taurine works to improve the mental performance of drinkers of this type of beverages.

Still, given that these two are not the only ingredients in an energy drink, experts recommend keeping close tabs on the quantities ingested per day. Other herbs and supplements are also added in the mix and they can lead to adverse or unexpected reactions, especially if on medication. Such is the case of ginseng, which can increase the risk of bleeding, and ginkgo biloba, the same expert points out for the aforementioned publication.

To avoid unnecessary risks, a better pick-me-up is the all-natural one. “Gingko biloba may increase the risk of bleeding, which is a real caution for those who take blood thinners or who have a surgery or dental procedure scheduled. If you feel the need for energy to fuel a workout or something during snack time, try a banana, granola bar or other whole grain energy bar.” Marisa Moore explains.