The developer has some ideas that will make the game more appealing

Nov 4, 2013 13:24 GMT  ·  By

Ken Levine, the leader of Irrational Games, says that he is testing out a new idea that would allow his team to make BioShock a more replayable experience in the near future, even for players who are interested just in the story of the title.

He tells VG247 that, “The next challenge is not a particular story, it’s more of a meta-challenge. One thing that’s tough is that narrative is – except for the Fight Club or BioShock notion of going back and revisiting things once you have more knowledge – not very replayable.”

The developer is not yet willing to offer any clear information on his idea to increase replayability, but he says that he is running a though experiment using new developmental and design elements that could increase the dynamic nature of a game experience.

Levine says that he plans to develop the idea and talk to other game creators about it in order to make sure that it can be implemented and would enhance a gamer’s enjoyment level.

He adds, “That’s frustrating when you work five years on something, people play it once and they’re done. It’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.”

On November 12, gamers who loved this year’s BioShock Infinite will be able to download the first episode of the Burial at Sea downloadable content.

It will be offered on the PC and on current-gen consoles.

It will take them back to the underwater city of Rapture on a new adventure that features a missing girl, Big Daddies and Little Sisters.

The combat and other mechanics of the DLC have been modified to create an experience that is closer to the original title in the series.

A second episode for Burial at Sea will appear in 2014 and will allow players to explore the world as Elizabeth.