High-comfort headphone foam tips

Oct 21, 2008 09:39 GMT  ·  By

There are people who wouldn't change their in-ear headphones for the world and there are also people who simply can't stand them. While this is strictly a matter of personal likes and dislikes, when it comes to earbuds, the question is, how much discomfort is one willing to withstand in order to have a good listening experience? In some ears, these buds fit perfectly and the listeners can barely sense their presence while in other cases there is hardly a sleeve design to fit, so as to be both pleasant and snug.

And because the listeners' ears come in so many different shapes and sizes, custom headphone tips have come into being, as a solution to cover all the possible irregularities inside one's ear canal.

Improving the comfort when it comes to wearing earbuds means one thing: fitting the plug in the ear canal without exerting too much pressure on the canal walls. This pressure can be very well tolerated for short periods of time, yet it will eventually transform into discomfort and then pain over extended listening sessions.

The new foam headphone tips from Comply are made from a special-formula foam that is not only very soft but at the same time highly-compressible. You just compress them as much as you can so they will easily fit in your ear; then, shortly after that, these buds will start to return to their initial form in a gentle manner, actually taking the shape of your ear canal in the process. Thanks to their special formula, they will not push further once they reach the ear walls, thus allowing you to enjoy your earbuds for a longer time, with no unpleasant strain.

The Comply foam tips can be fitted on a very wide assortment of headphones from manufacturers like Sony, Koss, Sennheiser, V-Moda and many more. Additionally, there are two models that can be used with the Zune Premium Earphones and Apple stock earbuds. The price for this comfort increase is not dramatically high, yet $14.95 for a set of three or $37.95 for a set of ten isn't your on weekly shopping list, especially as these earbuds aren't forever.

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