The pup's owners give him up because of his birth defect, foster mom agrees to adopt him

Mar 16, 2013 08:39 GMT  ·  By
Puppy born with a cleft palate need surgery to be able to eat properly (click to see full image)
   Puppy born with a cleft palate need surgery to be able to eat properly (click to see full image)

The French bulldog puppy featured in the picture above was born with a cleft palate, which is why his owners decided that it would be best to give him up.

However, Lentil got adopted by a foster mom who loves him dearly and who cannot wait for him to undergo surgery and be able to eat properly.

Sources say that Lentil was born this past February 2 and that, thanks to him new mom's feeding him with the help of a tube once every three hours, he is now gaining about 1 ounce (roughly 30 grams) per day.

Lentil even has his own Facebook page, and many of his fans have agreed to make donations and help raise the money the pooch needs in order to undergo surgery.

Feel free to check out Lentil's Facebook page and offer him your encouragements here.