Hint at possible upcoming release

Oct 24, 2008 09:56 GMT  ·  By
The Eee PC 900HD could soon join the other Eee PCs in ASUS' netbook product range
   The Eee PC 900HD could soon join the other Eee PCs in ASUS' netbook product range

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please say "Hello" to the new Eee PC 900HD, a yet-to-be officially introduced netbook from ASUS. Yes, we know this isn't the first time this small-sized portable system has made itself noticed in leaked pictures that have eventually surfaced the Internet, but it now appears we are dealing with the very first press photos with it, which can only mean that the Taiwanese manufacturer is getting ready to officially announce the new product.

The Eee PC 900HD is basically a new version of ASUS' Eee PC 900 netbook, which is currently powered by an Intel Celeron M processor, a rather distinctive feature compared to most of the other Eee PCs in the manufacturer's netbook product range, which are powered by an Atom processor running at 1.6GHz.

So you are probably asking yourselves what is new about this Eee PC model, compared to all the other 8.9-inch ASUS Eee PCs. Well, unfortunately, we don't have specific details at this time, but, according to recent rumors, the new model could actually deliver a higher capacity 2.5-inch hard drive, a feature that could justify the bulkier bottom side design. Aside from that, we are still in the dark about the processor of the system, since it could be either an Atom or a Celeron M.

However, before the new Eee PC 900HD becomes official, eeepcnews has managed to get a hold of some press photos of the product, which seem to indicate that the new netbook will become available in both black and white versions, and that it looks basically the same as the other 8.9-inch models the company has released so far.

There's also one interesting detail, namely the fact that the new portable system doesn't feature the Eee logo on the lid, as is the case with other Eee PC models.