Manufactured by Samsung, not HTC

Jan 18, 2007 15:14 GMT  ·  By

If you stop to think about it, the short period of time before the iPhone's launch was all about rumors and questions that weren't answered until the mobile phone was actually launched. Well, here we go all over again, switching from iPhone rumors to rumors about a potential Google phone.

This phone in the photo is said to be the result of a partnership between Google and Samsung, who have already been working together in order to provide phones equipped with Google services, so this theory is not that far fetched.

On the other hand, according to another rumor of course, Google was supposed to be working on a phone with Taiwanese manufacturer HTC and Orange and there was not one single piece of evidence to support that claim either. Yes, it's true, there's a photo in this case, but haven't people shown how creative they can be with Photoshop before?

Leaving everything aside and simply assuming that this is what the Google phone will look like (if of course there is or ever will be a Google phone), this would be the third phone to sport a huge touchscreen and lack any kind of keys, which again would not be very surprising since this is the latest trend for mobile phone manufacturers and we'll probably see quite a few such mobile phones in the future.

The phone's contact program is said to be a combination between Gtalk, Gmail, text and instant messaging while all the applications you would need to use on the phone would not be stored directly on the handset, but be available through an account via a web interface. Moreover, the 'Google Phone' will apparently not provide any on-board storage, but come with GPS capabilities and Google Maps.

A big and bright touchscreen and the possibility of actually using various software for mobile phones without any kind of limitation (comparing to iPhone's software lock down) does sound pretty nice. Add a bunch of other high-tech features and it's enough for anyone to want a Google phone. And by simply looking at the photo you'll get that pre-iPhone feeling all over again. Finally, the only thing that is going to happen for sure is that just like with the iPhone, this is definitely not going to be the last time you ever hear about a Google Phone.