The company does not want them to accept outside sponsors

Dec 9, 2013 08:15 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Riot Games announces that all League of Legends players will be able to stream any kind of content they want as long as they do not accept any new sponsorship deals while they are under contract with the company.

Whalen Rozelle, a producer working for the company, tells fans via Reddit that “After reading all of your comments and having a LOT of internal debate over the last 24 hours, we’re going to be changing the LCS team requirement to something that more closely matches our intent. While under contract to the LCS, teams and players can’t accept sponsorship from other game companies to promote other titles. Besides that, they are free to stream any games they want.”

Initially, the company restricted the streaming abilities of gamers but the reaction from the fan community was furious and Riot Games quickly decided to explore the effects of its decision again.

Apparently, the team believed that a number of other companies were interested in getting access to popular players and teams in order to then use them to promote competing titles via the streams they were creating.

Rozelle adds, “The way we chose to deal with this was clearly an overreach. It hit our goal of preventing companies from advertising through LCS players, but it also encroached on pros’ ability to have fun and entertain viewers during long Challenger queues – and we realize that’s not cool.”

During the past year, the Riot Games team announced a project to create a closer knitted community around League of Legends, first by creating an improved atmosphere that welcomed new players and punished those who acted in an inappropriate manner.

The MOBA title is one of the most popular in the world of gaming, but it is currently facing tough competition from DOTA 2 from Valve.