Braum, a heavily armored melee support, is not yet available for play

May 13, 2014 08:59 GMT  ·  By

Riot Games has released yet another Champion Spotlight video, this time the protagonist being the upcoming addition to the ever-expanding roster of playable champions in their multiplayer online battle-arena title League of Legends, Braum.

League of Legends has come a very long way since its beginnings, being one of the most successful free-to-play enterprises in the world, with millions of players enjoying online matches every day, and with the game featured at many eSports events that see massive media coverage.

Braum is a heavy tank designed to give area-of-effect-based teams a run for their money, which pretty much means that it has been designed to give everyone a run for their money, since AOE teams are pretty much the norm these days.

His role as a melee support means that he'll be sharing a lane with a ranged character that he'll assist in growing as much as possible. The video highlights his arsenal of defensive and offensive moves, as well as showcasing his rad mustache.

In other related news, League of Legends patch 4.7 has brought some important changes to the way competitive matches play out, being focused on tweaking some aspects of the game that impacted high-level play.

The patch's main goal is to bridge the gap between junglers who were entering the mid-game with more gold and xp than solo laners, because of being able to farm all alone, not being forced to use their gains in order to stand up to an opponent.

As such, the Feral Flare, a popular item often used by carry junglers, has been hit with the nerf stick, as Riot feels that it needed a slight power reduction in order for it not to negatively impact the game, but to still feel like an important item.

"Because Feral Flare’s power is essentially tied to how long junglers can ignore their team, the optimal strategy has been to hide away for as long as possible before making a first appearance as the strongest champion on the map – even in comparison to solo laners who have to scrap out their gold against equally matched opponents," Riot's statement writes.

There is currently no word on when Braum will be added to the in-game selection of champions, but if we are to judge by the timing of this video's release, it could very well be when this week's patch hits or shortly thereafter.