The limited-time-only game mode will feature some crazy mechanics

Jul 16, 2014 09:17 GMT  ·  By

Riot Games will introduce a brand-new, limited-time-only game mode for its popular multiplayer online battle arena game, League of Legends, that will only be available from July 17 through July 27.

Remember how good it feels when you manage to barely escape from a team battle going south, running through the bushes and blinking to higher ground and safety, getting ready to taunt your dead team-mates, when all of a sudden you hear Lux shouting "Imma firin' mah lazor!" and you drop dead from out of nowhere?

Well, the team at Riot thought it would be a good idea to tinker with the game's bots and give them DOOM-level abilities, and as such the new Doom Bots came to life. The Doom Bot version of Lux, for instance, fires her Final Spark burst out in every direction around her, making absolutely sure that you won't be able to escape her ungodly reach.

The devs point out to the absurd skill of the Veigar Bot on Brazilian servers as the inspiration for the more challenging bots featured in the upcoming game mode, teasing players with nightmarish visions of Zigg's Mega Inferno Bomb spawning six Mini Inferno Bombs offspring after the initial blast.

Fighting the Doom Bots of Doom will enable players to up the difficulty level to higher settings, making bots with 2 Bombs respawn with bonus Doom effects from other Champions, while 5 Bomb Doom Bots will carry not one, but two bonus Doom effects, as well as provide the most extreme challenge and have the most aggressive play style in the new game mode.

The Doom Bots of Doom will be landing on the Fields of Justice from July 17 through July 27, so make sure to test your skills and sanity against the onslaught that they bring. If you challenge them at least once during the allotted timeframe, you'll unlock a new and exclusive Doomtastic summoner icon.

In case you consider League of Legends' community to be too toxic for your tastes and prefer to have your way with bots instead of actual people who can fight back, the new game mode is the perfect opportunity to bring all the slandering, name-calling and extremely competitive attitude of the regular version into the noob-friendly bot matches.

You can't complain that Riot Games isn't trying to offer its players more pleasant and varied options when it comes to enjoying its free-to-play game, between this and the Ultra Rapid Fire mode introduced as an April Fools' joke. What's left now is for the company to introduce an Ultra Rapid Doom Bots of Doom Mode or to make Cho'Gath turn into Godzilla when he reaches max Feast stacks.