The latest champion added to the mix is a great support

Mar 12, 2015 15:34 GMT  ·  By

League of Legends developer Riot Games has released a brand new champion spotlight video, this time around the focus being on the newest addition to the roster of playable characters, Bard.

Bard, the Wandering Caretaker, is a cosmic guardian who manifests on Runeterra whenever something messes with the universe's sense of balance.

In terms of mechanics, Bard plays the role of support, offering allied champions a lot of utility, with decent sustain and mobility capacities.

Due to his mysterious cosmic nature, Bard has not just one, but two passives, Ancient Chimes and Meeps.

His physical manifestation on the map causes a series of collectible chimes to pop up all around the map, and by wandering and picking them up, he gains a burst of movement speed, a portion of his missing mana, and a sliver of experience.

If he collects multiple chimes in quick succession, the movement speed buff can stack up to five times but is lost upon entering combat.

His second passive, Meeps, causes cute little spirits to appear by Bard's side and to launch themselves at enemies upon attacking. Although initially only having one Meep follow him around, by collecting chimes, Bard is able to grow an entire army of the little critters, who gain various bonuses such as extra damage and slow.

The big guns

Bard's Q skill, Cosmic Binding, is a medium-range skill shot that slows and damages the first enemy struck, stunning them if it happens to hit an additional target or a wall after that.

His W, Caretaker's Shrine, places up to three small health packs on the ground, which he or a friendly character can collect to restore some health points and gain a burst of movement speed. Leaving them alone for a few seconds improves the yield, but enemies can also destroy the shrines by stepping on them.

His E, Magical Journey, is one of the most interesting spells in the game, creating a one-way portal on an in-game wall, which allies and enemies can click in order to travel to the other side, no matter how long the contiguous piece of terrain is.

His ultimate ability, Tempered Fire, is a long-range, area of effect skillshot missile that places all units hit, including turrets, in stasis, making them immune to absolutely everything and unable to move or attack.

If you want to get some gameplay tips on how to use Bard, the Wandering Caretaker, you can watch the video below.