Jul 6, 2011 19:51 GMT  ·  By

Singer and actress LeAnn Rimes is again trying to prove that she’s not as skinny as people say she is. She is definitely not unhealthy or lacking curves and, to present the final argument, she’s uploaded two new photos on her Twitter.

This is not the first time that LeAnn tweets photos of herself in a two-piece swimsuit to shut critics up and show the world that she’s not “skin and bones” but only very fit.

Over the extended holiday weekend, Rimes uploaded two pictures of herself in a black swimsuit, with one comment saying only “Beach Bum…” and the other, “Curves… they are there LOL.”

One photo shows LeAnn on a beach towel, on the side, reclining in her hand. The other doesn’t even attempt to feign modesty, as it’s taken from behind and has the star looking over the shoulder and smiling into the camera.

The purpose is clear: to prove that LeAnn is not too thin, she’s just in incredible shape but she still has curves. Countless voices in the blogosphere would – and do – disagree.

For starters, the photos seem to have been taken by a professional photographer, which means there are adjustments we can’t even see but that make LeAnn look better than she does in real life.

Secondly, she’s posing for the shots; that is to say, she knows just where to place a hand, how to Arch her back and so on and so forth to hide possible flaws and make parts of her body stand out.

In other words, instead of putting an end to the controversy, LeAnn’s most recent photos have only added more fuel to the fire.

Even her trainer, Michael Jackson, is speaking out in her defense, saying that she’s very hurt about some of the things she reads about herself in the press, especially since she’s worked so hard to be so fit.

“I know it really bothers her. A lot of people see pictures of LeAnn and assume certain things. But we’re in the process of putting a video together that she’ll post to her blog so that people will see what it is that we’re doing to get her in shape,” Jackson says.

“I know she’s really anxious to show people – excuse my French – that she takes her [expletive] seriously,” the trainer adds.