The publisher is ready to risk resources on new intellectual property

Jun 18, 2012 07:21 GMT  ·  By

With the announcement of new titles like The Unfinished Swan, The Last of Us, God of War: Ascension, Beyond: Two Souls Sony claims to have been the core video game company that brought the most innovation to this year’s edition of E3.

Scott Rohde, who is the PlayStation Software Product Development leader for the Sony Worldwide Studios America and SCEA, told Gamespot that, “Our press conference could have been twice as long because we have that much content that we could show, we just didn’t have time to show it all.

“These are all innovations that other companies would be a little scared to embrace, I believe. So innovation is top of the charts at PlayStation.”

When the interviewer pointed out that both Beyond: Two Souls and The Last of Us are rather close to previous efforts from Sony, like Uncharted and Heavy Rain, Rohde fought back.

He added, “If you can find another publisher in this industry who would build Beyond, I’d like to meet that publisher. I really think that is as far from ‘safe’ as it gets. Heavy Rain, by itself was not a ‘safe’ title.

“And to do it again with a totally different story, a larger investment, and to bring Hollywood in, to really enhance that genre that really isn’t touched by many folks in our industry, I think is anything but ‘safe’.”

Rohde believes that the risks, both for Sony as a publisher and for the developers, are enhanced because the companies are trying to innovate towards the end of the console cycle, which means that they have to compete with a number of already established intellectual properties.

The Last of Us had a great showing during E3 2012 and the audience appreciated the way the Naughty Dog development team tries to anchor the entire game experience in the real world and deliver some true emotional moments.