Rid the burning realm of evil

Jul 1, 2010 13:31 GMT  ·  By

This is a Role Playing (RPG) map constructed on the Dungeon tileset with a size of 256x256 of which 244x244 playable. It’s an epic size map only the brave may enter. Players will get the chance to travel to the Land of Oblivion. Life ceases and is forgotten altogether in this forsaken realm. But not all will succumb to darkness.

At the start of the game, you will have to go through several steps to customize the scenario. There are two modes: normal and PVP. You will also have to choose the game's length: 1 hour, 1.5 hours or 2 hours. It has a save and load option so specify if this is a new game or if you want to load an old one. Finally, choose your side: alliance (warrior, berseker, rogue, hunter, mage, priest, warlock, paladin, druid) or horde (warrior, berseker, rogue, hunter, mage, priest, warlock, shaman, vampire). Land of Oblivion features 8 end game dungeons, 12 different classes and lots of quests.

Oblivion Lands - An imbalance has occurred in this land, and nothing good can come out of it. From the moment you came to this land through the portal all you've seen is horrors and monsters. You must bring balance by slaying 7 lava wolves and 4 evil spawns and then return to General Ragebringer/Skullulos when finished.

Haunted Slayer - The land near the cities grows wild with dark energies. The source has been discovered as ghosts and gargoyles. If something is not done, the energies will grow and could become a major threat. To reduce this threat, you have to slay 5 lesser ghosts and 5 gargoyles.

Lava Spawns - Reports of fiery creatures attacking the new recruits seem to keep on coming. It's time to rid these lands of violent creatures that appear to breed only by the fires of this island. Slay 3 lava spawns and then return to get your reward.

Corrupted Minotaurs - A small distance from the city, minotaurs have been spotted. But these are not your ordinary minotaurs. They are spawns of this burning landscape, and have become corrupted by its seeming endless evil. In order to build the defense, you need to bring 2 carved idols from the minotaurs.

Free the spirit - The spirit that aids adventurers on their path has been trapped by a witch doctor. Free the spirit and perhaps it will grant you aid on your journey throughout this land.

Beings in the Dark - One of our scouts has reported that our former safe passageway to the river has been threatened by some sort of new type of invisible monster. The torches there illuminate them, making them visible to us. You must clear the path of these shadowy creatures. Slay 5 shadows and 2 shadow figures.

Omegmus - Start this quest by visiting the Ancient Corruptor at the Dragon's Peak. Feel the ground shake as the mighty Omegmus enters the land. Who will prove worthy of standing against him? Are you the ancient champion that the Land of Oblivion has been waiting for? Play and find out!

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