The singer denies getting close to three million dollars for her set in Paris

May 29, 2014 07:37 GMT  ·  By

It looks like, when Kanye wanted to surprise his new bride Kim Kardashian with a set from her favorite singer at the wedding, his reasons were so pure and noble that Lana Del Rey simply couldn't refuse him and not only did she agree to play, but she also didn't charge him a single dime.

Lana Del Rey has just shot down rumors that she got in excess of two million dollars for playing a set at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris last week, at the Kim and Kanye pre-wedding party.

In a video shot by TMZ, as Lana was signing posters for fans, the singer answered the cameraman who asked her how much he would have to pay if he wanted her to sing at his wedding, “I'd do it for free just like I did this one.”

With that, Lana trashed the rumors that she got paid a ridiculously high sum of money just to play at the “Wedding of the Century,” as it's been called in the media. Lana would like to to know that she did the performance for free because Kanye is her friend, and she “would never let a friend pay me to sing at a wedding.”

Of course, that statement seems to overlook the fact that Kanye did ask her before to sing and she turned him down with a big “No,” even if he insisted. It's a known fact that Kim is a big fan of Lana's music, especially of the song “Young and Beautiful,” and so Kanye asked her to perform at the engagement party, at the moment he got down on one knee and popped the question.

Lana said no and Kanye was forced to rethink his strategy. He instead got a 50-piece orchestra band to play a rendition of his future wife's favorite song, and Kim was none the wiser. But that doesn't explain why Lana did a complete turnaround on her position and decided to play the wedding.

That's why it was speculated that Kanye dropped some serious coin in order to persuade the songstress to do a live performance. Some insiders later confirmed that Lana got paid several millions and to everyone that sounded about right, that would be the sum of money that would convince anyone to change their mind.

Mind you, it was money well spent, because Lana's performance was said to have moved guests to tears, as it echoed through the halls of the Palace of Versailles and sang a sad tale of love.