Jan 3, 2007 08:38 GMT  ·  By

Looks like some people had too much free time on their hands this holiday season. This is the case of a so-called PS3 modder, who managed to improve the appearance of his PS3 SIXAXIS controller.

This may not be that interesting, but for those who are into such things this could cause quite a stir. A forum thread on ps3scene by ebphonaprelude reveals how he managed to squeeze a 2.8v blue LED into a SIXAXIS controller. As you can see in the picture the so-called mod looks kind of cool, but that's all that it does: it looks cool.

As far as a mod goes, it has to change something crucial in the modded device in order to be considered a useful mod. Or it has to change the exterior aspect of the modded device dramatically...As you can see, this is not one of that mods, therefore you might consider it lame.

The modder explains that the controller outputs only 2.8v, so he had to find some 2.8v leds or juice up the power with a transistor. While tampering with the SIXAXIS controller, he noticed a pad labeled led5 under the PS button, he soldered a led in play but he couldn't get the light up so he grounded one and he put the red wire right above the other end.

Later he tried this mod with a normal 5mm blue LED working at 3.7v and - by the looks of it - it worked just as well, but being a lot brighter. In order to fit this LED in he had to melt down the cylinder under the PS button and cut the clear rubber insert in order for it to fit.