Pop star comes out of hiding, delivers touching speech, performs

Jul 1, 2013 11:56 GMT  ·  By

Lady Gaga has been MIA for many weeks now, recovering at home after she had hip surgery. She emerged over the weekend in New York, during the Pride Parade 2013, as the video above will confirm.

Gaga, who has a very solid fanbase rooted in the LGBT community, delivered a very touching speech at the event, right before performing a slightly altered version of the “Star Spangled Banner.”

“It’s my LGTB friends and fans who always said to me, I knew Lady Gaga when. Well, look who the star is now. Now I get to say that I knew you when,” she said, so emotional that she could barely fight back tears.

I have to say, before she was hospitalized, there was a general Gaga overdose in the media. Today, after such a long time Gaga-less, she’s like a breath of fresh air.

Moreover, she looks healthier than ever, which most likely means she was overdoing it with the appearances and the tour shows before the hip fracture.