Nov 2, 2010 15:54 GMT  ·  By

As almost every other technology out there, LED backlit panels haven't reached their full potential yet, Momentive and Lee&Lee joining forces in order to improve the performance and reliability of these panels by developing a new fabrication process.

This is possible thanks to Momentive's own LSR 7000 family of highly transparent liquid silicone rubbers that delivers improved clarity, efficient and economical manufacturing process as well as the ability of achieving highly complex optical components that surpass those made with traditional thermoplastic materials or glass.

As a result, panels built with these new materials could offer an enhanced optical transparency as well as a more durable LED panels that could prove their worth in industrial environments as well as all sort of rugged devices that are usually exposed to all king of hard treatments and drops.

The improved optical transparency of the new compound could also make LED panels more bright, although Momentive doesn't state how much of an improvement could these deliver compared to regular, present day, LED lens solutions.

“We are excited about working with Lee&Lee to enhance the overall performance of LCD TVs that use an LED backlight instead of a conventional fluorescent one and to be a part of this new trend in flat-panel technology,” said Holger Albrecht, Global Marketing Director, Consumer at Momentive.

“Lens parts made from LSR 7000 have been repeatedly tested for durability and performance while exposed to high heat and humidity over long periods of time, and we are pleased with the results.”

Unfortunately, the two companies did not state when should we see the very first panels built using these new materials, so, for now, we can only guess if this technology is actually going to come to the mainstream market.