Greenpeace is quick to congratulate the company for its decision

Jan 30, 2014 14:07 GMT  ·  By

Just recently, The L'Oreal Group, which also happens to be the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company, announced that, by the year 2020, it would have cut all ties with deforestation.

What's more, the company said that it would see to it that all the renewable raw materials that went into the products it made and marketed came from sustainable sources.

Greenpeace was quick to congratulate the company for this announcement, and pointed out that cutting all ties with deforestation was the “ultimate makeover” that L'Oreal could ever hope for.

Still, the organization could not help but argue that, all things considered, it might not be such a bad idea if the company were to cut its ties with deforestation a bit sooner than the proposed deadline.

On its website, Greenpeace explains that the palm oil industry has already taken its toll on the world's forests, and that some companies still have a lot to do before they can pinky swear that the plantations they operate are sustainable ones.

“The forests can’t wait six more years,” Greenpeace members and supporters would like L'Oreal to understand.

Furthermore, “We urge l’Oreal to guarantee their products are forest-friendly sooner rather than later and not wait till the 2020 deadline the company has set.”