The actress is still unsure what pattern she will get inked

Jan 25, 2014 07:27 GMT  ·  By

“Twilight” actress Kristen Stewart may be known for her long, flowing, brunette locks, but she doesn't plan on keeping them forever. In an interview with IntotheGloss, Stewart admitted that she would be shaving her head and getting a tattoo on her skull.

She spoke about how the movie business was preventing her from getting changes of look more often. Because of the industry's standard, the actress is keen to make some shocking changes. She doesn't just want to dye it blond and have something in the lines of a bob.

“At some point I want to do a totak boy cut, completely – not a pretty, girly version – like a straight up James Dean haircut,” Stewart confessed.

Taking things further, she even admitted that she's always wanted to shave her head and have her scalp tattooed. “And then, I'm definitely going to shave my head before I die. I will definitely tattoo my head while it's shaved before my hair grows back. I'm not sure which part, probably the bottom quadrant in the back. I don't know what the tattoo would be, yet. Still thinking”

Kristen is known for her rebellious nature, which came quite in handy when she was cast as the teenage outcast Bella Swan in the “Twilight” series, but no one ever suspected she'd have such radical views on tattoos and hairstyles.

She shrugged off media response or the fans’ by saying “As long as I feel solid about my creative choices, people can have whatever image or perception of me that they'd like.”

At the moment, Kristen is taking a break from acting, exploring different choices in her life. She has since been introduced to the fashion circuit, becoming the new image of Chanel and also the face of Balenciaga's new fragrance, Rosabotanica.

In her own words, “You can't think that someone's impression of you is wrong - it's their impression - and, therefore, you really can't worry about it.”