The trailer was made by Sony and Kojima has nothing to show

Feb 2, 2015 08:37 GMT  ·  By

Kojima Productions denies any teasing at the Taipei Game Show for Metal Gear Rising 2 and claims that the trailer in question that featured the number 2 was made by Sony and has no connection to the actual studio or the Metal Gear series.

The Metal Gear Solid franchise has been around for quite some time and designer Hideo Kojima has taken some pretty interesting decisions in terms of its direction, going for all sorts of wacky mechanics, not to mention different iterations, such as spinoffs like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Revengeance in particular has gained a lot of praise, as it exchanged the stealth focus for a hack-and-slash one, concentrating on cyborg ninja Raiden and his quest for vengeance.

The teaser isn't real

Given its popularity, lots of fans went crazy over the weekend, when a PS4 games trailer released at the Taipe Game Show featured an enigmatic frame that showed just the number 2, leading many to believe that Metal Gear Rising 2 might appear from Kojima Productions and Platinum Games, the team that made Revengeance under the guidance of Hideo Kojima.

Now, it seems that the whole thing has been blown out of proportion, as the Kojima Productions Twitter emphasizes that it didn't tease a new game at the large Asian event over the weekend. The developer is grateful for the enthusiasm manifested by fans but the tease wasn't something intended.

"We'd like to say thank you to the fans for their enthusiasm but to clarify we did not tease a new game at the Taipei Game Show," the studio says.

The trailer in question is made by Sony

The studio also emphasizes that the whole trailer was made by Sony to showcase its PS4 games coming in the current year and that it had no insight from Kojima Productions, despite featuring Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.

"The trailer screencap in question is from SCE and not affiliated with Kojima Productions or Metal Gear," the developer adds.

Bear in mind, however, that Kojima Productions outright lied to fans before, saying that The Phantom Pain project wasn't tied to Metal Gear Solid 5, until it made the actual reveal.