Scan speeds 'ranked' in excess of 200 million rows of data per second per blade node

Jul 8, 2006 10:46 GMT  ·  By

Kognitio, a leading provider of solutions to business problems that require acquisition, rationalization and analysis of both large and complex data, today announced that it has concluded a highly successful standard of its WX2 analytical database on IBM BladeCenter System X blade servers at its Technology and Data Centre in Bracknell, Berkshire.

The solution is targeted at business users who want to obtain fast access to data within the enterprise and undertake various activities such as reporting, data exploration, and data removal. The solution has been developed also for DBAs and IT managers. The WX2 database was installed easily and quickly onto 28 IBM BladeCenter System X blade servers running on Linux.

Moreover, several performance tests were carried out using various configurations of blades to confirm the flexibility and scalability of the IBM hardware and the reliability of the system. A well-known industry standard benchmark was then run on a dataset that encompassed 1.3 billion telco records using a suite of 15 queries, including onerous "count distinct" operations. Results were returned in under one minute, proving that WX2 is a true "load and go" solution. The scan speeds were in excess of 200 million rows of data per second per blade node, and the overall performance was approximately two and half times better than the best test results published to date.

"What we have demonstrated is that Kognitio WX2, when used in parallel with IBM BladeCenter System X blade servers, can provide a best-in-class analytical platform without the need for expensive proprietary hardware or armies of DBAs to set up and maintain the database," explains Roger Llewellyn, Kognitio's managing director. "The power, flexibility and scalability of the combined IBM and Kognitio WX2 solution is real and available today. Previously a telco looking to re-rate all its calls against its own and its competitors' tariffs to identify the best rate may have faced an insurmountable challenge, whilst now with IBM and Kognitio WX2 this can now be realised in a much shorter timeframe and at a significantly lower cost. In fact, what we are achieving is the ability to disconnect the analytical requirements of a business from the bottlenecks of IT and standard relational databases that require months to set up and maintain."

IBM and Kognitio are running a series of seminars to educate enterprise users and database managers about the benefits of IBM and Kognitio WX2 to their business and how they can reduce their operating costs by quickly getting the answers from their data. The seminars will be held on 12th and 13th July at IBM on London's South Bank. For more information please visit