Sep 27, 2010 19:21 GMT  ·  By

A few days ago, Kirstie Alley took to Twitter to post a picture of herself surrounded by male friends, boasting she’d lost 50 pounds on her own weight loss program. It could be that her weight loss is just Photoshop trickery.

The moment she posted the picture on Twitter, as we also informed you at the time, some questioned how representative of the truth it was.

For starters, Kristie is standing behind a table, flanked by big men from all sides, which means by the power of contrast alone she could seem slimmer.

Secondly, because of her placement, one can hardly see her, which means this is nothing but a photo of her face – which, in turn, means she may not have lost any weight.

RantRave seems to believe this is the case: Kirstie has lost too little weight but is in desperate need of positive feedback, so she had the picture photoshopped.

Not only is the actress still fighting to kill off rumors that her Organic Liaison weight loss program is a Scientology front, but she’s also struggling in the ratings with the show that documents her use of it and the subsequent weight loss.

By reporting such remarkable progress, she would understandably boost interest in both; therefore, she was desperate enough to have the photo show her at her (unreal) best, the e-zine says.

“If you look at the photo you don’t see much of her. Just a head shot, this picture was shot by a professional photographer Troy Plota. And her hair and makeup is no doubt done professionally and she looks 10-15 years younger,” RantRave writes.

“Looking at that photograph one thing stands out immediately, Kirstie is the only one back-lit in this photo. Looking at it leaves no doubt its weight loss through photo-shop,” the same report argues.

And there’s more: on Why We Protest, there’s an entire thread of discussion dedicated to Kirstie’s so-called recent weight loss, with most posters agreeing it’s all a trick of the eye.

Her weight loss is due to Photoshop – and a bad job of it as well, since she’s been clearly cut in half, it is being said. In other words, Kirstie is missing the lower half of her body.

“I can’t see her legs. Is this a photoshop job? Or meant as a joke? According to the EXIF data, this was done with photoshop CS5 by a Troy Plota,” user Missis Beasley writes.

“Wow. So Kirstie Alley finally decided that the only weight loss solution that was going to work for her was... amputation?” AnotherSock responds.

Anonymous has even more details on the pic, saying, “It was photoshopped repeatedly, I count 15 separate saves from photoshop editing.”

As of now, Kirstie Alley has not yet responded to the ongoing controversy surrounding her most recent picture.