The design also resembles the bellows of an accordion

Feb 10, 2014 15:18 GMT  ·  By

Are you familiar with how a fan is folded and opened? Or with a bellows? Then you will have a good idea of what the future's kiosks could look like.

People are always coming up with their vision of what the world will look like a century from now, or what aspects certain amenities will take upon.

In this case, we are looking at the idea that London-based architecture firm Make has for futuristic kiosks.

Long story short, Make imagined them designed from a material that can fold. The kiosks would be able to collapse or fold inward like a fan or the bellows of an accordion, or uilleann pipes.

In fact, Canary Wharf already owns two such kiosks. They were created as a response to a brief that called for a unit that would act as an enhancement to a town's streetscape. One that enriched the view even when closed.

Make Design Kiosks (5 Images)

Make Design fan kiosk
Make Design fan kioskMake Design fan kiosk