Jan 17, 2011 10:43 GMT  ·  By

Paradox Interactive, as the publisher, and Neocore Games, as the developer, have announced that they are collaborating on King Arthur II, a new strategy video game which will blend real time tactical battles and turn based strategic moves with a slew of elements taken from the role playing genre.

Neocore Games says that the new game will expand on all the elements of the original and will deliver a better game for both those new to the series and for those who enjoyed the first title.

The world of the game will be darker while still rooted in a mix of fantasy and history, with the focus squarely on King Arthur, now known as the Maimed King, no longer able to care for the land of Britannia, which is again assaulted by dark forces.

Here is the trailer.

The battles will be larger, with more heroism suggested and new boss fights to test the skills of the gamer.

The camera controls will also be revamped, with new animations for units and an overall better looking game.

King Arthur II will also deliver a new tutorial section to make it easier to grasp the main elements of the game.

Zoltán Pozsonyi, who is the producer working on King Arthur II on behalf of Neocore Games, has stated, “We are excited to begin King Arthur II with the Paradox publishing team. We have every intention of testing the limits in the sequel. With an extraordinary new plot and insane new battles, our community’s expectations will be blown away.”

Fredrik Wester, the chief executive officer of Paradox Interactive, has added, “We couldn’t be more thrilled to add King Arthur II to our lineup of exceptional upcoming titles. From the early development that has taken place, we know this newest title will more than live up to its predecessor.”

We played and quite liked the first King Arthur title here at Softpedia and a new expansion for it, The Druids, is set to be delivered this week.