Apr 18, 2011 19:51 GMT  ·  By

Until not long ago, Kim Kardashian used to wax the baby hairs on her forehead, because she’s obsessed with having a hair-free body. Luckily, she discovered laser hair removal – and she doesn’t have to go through the same pain regularly.

In a recent interview, Kim, who has always been very outspoken about her grooming habits and her obsession with hair (or lack of it, to be more precise), admits that she even made sure she got rid of the baby hairs on her forehead.

The admission comes as she’s promoting the TRIA Laser Hair Removal System in New York, the Daily Mail reports, citing from an interview Kim gave to Us Weekly.

“If you look at pictures of me from even three years ago, I had like two inches of baby hairs on my forehead,” Kim says.

Because she couldn’t do anything to hide them, she eventually resorted to having them waxed off.

“But they weren’t thick enough to slick back, so they were permanently down and I would wax them all the time and now I lasered them and now they don’t come back,” the star admits.

In the same interview, Kim admits to getting her first bikini wax when she was just 12, and speaks about how she gets laser hair removal on her legs, arms, underarms and neck.

“Literally, at twelve years old I had a bikini wax. I had an appointment once a month on a specific day, like every Friday we’d go and get the inside of our brows waxed and a bikini wax,” she says.

“I used to have my own wax kit at home and I used to just wax all the time. I’m, like, obsessed with hair removal,” Kim explains.

While she’s spending a lot of time making sure the only hair she has on her body is the luscious black mane on her head, Kim likes her men to be rougher – groomed, but not waxed.