Mega is looking to cover all the bases to transform into a proper cross-platform tool and plans many updates

Dec 2, 2013 15:48 GMT  ·  By

Kim Dotcom’s Mega has had quite the liftoff since its release in January 2013. Over the following months, not only has the number of users grown and the amount of data stored increased to new records, but the team has also tried to make sure its tool can be accessed from a range of platforms.

The most recent one to join the list was the iOS app, while a new Windows Phone program is to be released quite soon, they said.

According to an email received by a Reddit user, the company promised to deliver an app for Windows Phone users in early 2014, although no exact timeline was provided.

Furthermore, they promised the desktop sync client that should be delivered “this month” too. Given that the message was actually sent in November and we’re already in December, I’m just going to assume the release is going to get released any day now.

Mega can also be accessed through Android and iOS apps, as well as browser apps for Chrome and Firefox.