Gray won't be the only shade

Jan 13, 2009 18:01 GMT  ·  By

If you're a shooter fan, then you might have noticed that in recent games, particularly the ones that use the Unreal Engine, there aren't quite a lot of colors present. Usually it seems that gray and almost all of its shades are used in order to paint the environment, as developers claim that they do such a thing in order to make the game more realistic and gritty.

But such a thing won't be done with Killzone 2, at least according to the game producer, Mathijs de Jonge, which promises that all of the screenshots and the media made available until now are only from one single level in the game, and that, although they are predominantly gray, they don't reflect how the actual game will look like.

“The first images that we released were just from one level that was still in early production, and I can assure you that the final game has a very rich and varied color palette – and still manages to maintain that gritty and realistic look and feel,” said de Jonge.

He then went on to compare how Killzone 2 felt as opposed to other shooters, showcasing his own experience. “We've managed to push so far in all areas that this game feels like a next generation game. When I go home at night after a long day of work I play other shooters to relax, and although I certainly enjoy playing them, the difference in graphical quality, production values and the experience itself, is striking.”

From all of these statements, it seems that Killzone 2 might be a definite must-buy for any shooter fan and PlayStation 3 user. Look forward to the game on February 25 in Europe, and on the 27th in the United Kingdom and North America. Until then, some of you might enjoy the demo version, which is being released under various circumstances across the world.