The device is being marketed only in Korea

Jul 5, 2007 08:09 GMT  ·  By

The first electronic dictionary produced for the Japanese market appeared in 1979 under the name Pocket Electric Translating Machine. Physically, it was very similar to the electronic dictionaries that are produced today. Due to the high price of memory chips, the model was quite expensive.

However, it was praised for its speed and efficiency. Several major Japanese electronics manufacturers now produce their own versions of the machine.

Since your kids' education should be the most important thing for you, Sharp thought of giving you a hand. The company wants to increase your kids' knowledge and vocabulary in the English language.

There is no better way to do this than by unveiling its latest KD-E1 in Korea. The mini Kids Dictionary boasts a wide range of mini games, interesting stories and children songs. Not to mention its main purpose of helping children to pick up the language much faster than just by reading easy Ladybird books. The dictionary comes in colors to please the children.

The dictionary is the last one from a long series. After PWE550, PW-E150 and PW-E250, it's time for the kids to have their own smart toy. While some say that Sharp's new addition is a dictionary, some claim that the device is a real mini computer for children. Sharp manufacturers have loaded the device with a lot of animated programs such as quizzes, a picture dictionary and a large number of interesting storybooks, with the translation on demand.

And more: the mini PC doesn't stop there, it's capable of storing images, photos and play MP3 tracks, employing a friendly and easy to use interface. There is even an SD slot that allows easy transfer of the files to and from the desktop system, though I doubt the kids are going to use this without the help of their parents.

Unfortunately, as expected, the device swims only in Korean waters, for the time being. And if you were thinking of asking Santa for one, better think twice. The price tag of this wacky mini PC is around 400 bucks!