Prosthetics inspired from Captain America, among others

Feb 6, 2015 14:27 GMT  ·  By

We knew this was coming ever since the 3D Printed Iron Man prosthetic hand was created, complete with palm repulsor. After all, when a breakthrough cuts the price of prosthetics by a factor of a thousand, interest in good looks is bound to rise.

Marvel Studios is a really big name at the moment, thanks to the success experienced by their cinematic universe.

That means that many people are buying souvenirs with the various superhero themes, making cosplay outfits, buying theme t-shirts, etc.

Seeing how much good 3D printing has already done in the field of prosthetics, Marvel Universe LIVE! has joined forces with the e-NABLE organization to make special themed limb replacements.

Specifically, they enlisted the help of e-NABLE member Jen Owen to create special prosthetics and even get recipients (young children mostly) to meet with actors cast as the film characters.

The Marvel Universe LIVE! “Super” 3D Printed Hands

They are about what you might think they are: 3D printed prosthetic hands made to look like the glove or gauntlets of superheroes. There is a Captain America hand and a Thor hand to name a couple.

Marvel Universe LIVE! is actually a live-action arena tour that takes place in almost every state of the USA, and will eventually reach the UK and Canada.

The event that concerns us is one that was held in Dallas, Texas, with the help of the aforementioned Jen Owen.

He and members of the Marvel Universe LIVE! cast brought six kids to the event, all of whom have to use prosthetic hands for whatever reason.

Chelsea (“Storm”), Romeo (“Nick Fury”), Chailee (“Black Widow”), Antonia (“Iron Man”), and Vincent (“The Green Goblin”) may not have done as much to create the hands as Owen did, but being real superheroes for a day helped, both them and the kids.

3D printing technology was used to provide the kids with thematically-colored and shaped hands (like Captain America) which can grip and stretch their fingers just fine. Makers from Dallas Makerspace helped significantly, even bringing two 3D printers just in case (which was good, because one of the hands ended up needing a replacement part).

See the kids posing, Avengers style

The picture gallery and video below say it all really. Hopefully, the hands will receive the periodic maintenance and replacement parts they need. Children grow quickly after all.

Marvelous prosthetics (4 Images)

Full group poses, Avengers style
Captain America is in the houseThe supersoldier hand