It will allow even those not versed in CAD to use 3D printers

Feb 2, 2013 11:38 GMT  ·  By

Kickstarter has struck again. The project hosting website has become the launching ramp for a very interesting piece of equipment: the Lynx A "point-and-shoot 3D camera."

3D printing something needs a 3D model to do it, which places the technology outside the use of most people, unless they get the 3D models from someone or somewhere else.

The Lynx A, made by Austin-based Lynx Laboratories, is actually a tablet-shaped device that can perform digital measurements, render architecture, model objects, even perform motion capture.

Long story short, the tablet camera will generate a 3D model of whatever it is pointed at. Said model can later be printed with a 3D printer, if one is available.

The tablet measures 14 inches and will be yours for a pledge of $1,799 / 1,316 Euro. $50,000 / 36,597 Euro will be needed to get the project off the ground. 44 more days to go.