The things which can endanger our brain's health can be controlled

Feb 22, 2006 05:06 GMT  ·  By

Do you want to keep your brain healthy? Well, scientists have now identified some activities which maintain the brain's health as we grow older, like exercising, learning new things and staying socially active. William Thies, vice president of medical and scientific affairs for the Alzheimer's Association, said that the things which can endanger our brain's health can be controlled.

The report, published in "Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association", stated that controlling cardiovascular risk factors is essential for the brain; also, one can improve the brain's condition by such things as losing weight, keeping a low blood pressure and a low cholesterol level and avoid smoking, all these being strongly recommended.

Some other factors seem to improve brain's health as one grows older: high levels of education, social and economic status, emotional support, physical exercises, few alcohol and some vitamins. The saying "Curiosity killed the cat" is no longer true because studies proved that curiosity and thirst for learning help greatly.

"This article points to the possibility that healthier living can significantly contribute to reducing the numbers of sick and mentally declining older people, and reduce health care costs", Thies stated. Things which may lead to a poor brain health are depressions and anxieties, accumulated throughout life, the researchers identifying a possible link between mood disorders and the brain's decline.

Arthritis, cancer, lung disease, heart disease and diabetes are also linked to the decline because they cause severe depressions and stress. Understanding these factors' influences is critical to leading a healthy life style, which will also serve the brain.